Sunday, October 4, 2009

America’s Healthy Future Act of 2009

In the current version of the Finance Committee's Chairman's Mark there is no mention of Alzheimer's and only two of dementia. 

1. It would establish within the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) a program to test and evaluate patient-centered delivery and payment models. The Center would consider models that target beneficiaries with multiple chronic conditions and at least one of the following: (1) an inability to perform 2 or more activities of daily living; and (2) a cognitive impairment, including dementia.

2. Dementia and Abuse Prevention Training. The Chairman‘s Mark would add staff training requirements for nursing homes. The Secretary would revise initial nurse aide training, competency, and evaluation program requirements to include dementia management training and patient abuse prevention.

The Finance committee will vote on the bill this coming week. The draft will have to be merged with other committee's efforts before going to a full Senate vote later this month. Later it would be off to conference with the House version.

Full text of the bill >>>